NetSuite Fulfillment Request Overview
NetSuite Fulfillment Request Setup
Enable the Feature
Set Location Preferences
Using NetSuite Fulfillment Requests
Creating a NetSuite Fulfillment Request
This will take you to the Fulfillment Request – To Be Generated page. Here, you will review the request, select the necessary items, and generate the Fulfillment Request record. The status of the request is set to New by default. The status should be changed to In Progress once the store has acknowledged and accepted the request.
In the Items subtab, enter the quantity for the item you are requesting. Then, make sure the Fulfill checkbox next to the item has been selected. When you’re done, save the record.
Receiving a NetSuite Fulfillment Request
To start, navigate to Transactions > Order Management > Manage Fulfillment Requests. This will take you to the list of fulfillment requests. Use the Filters region to set the Fulfillment Location filter to your store and the Status filter to New. Then, from the filtered list of results, select View next to a fulfillment request.
On the Fulfillment Request record, review the order and select the Mark in Progress button in the header to accept this request. You can also cancel the request if your store is unable to fulfill the order.
Fulfilling a NetSuite Fulfillment Request
For a store pickup fulfillment, you will need to use the Fulfillment Request feature in conjunction with the Store Pickup feature. Using this feature requires configuring your locations for store pickup, creating sales orders that are intended for store pickup, and establishing your store pickup workflow. In another blog, we will break down this process.