Enhance Inventory Visibility

With the SuiteRep Inventory Aging Report 

The Inventory Aging Report enhances . . .

Inventory Management

View the age of any of your items with the Inventory Aging Report.

Inventory Reporting

Get the exact data that you need when you need it with the Inventory Aging Report.

Inventory Visibility

Keep track of things like your inventory’s depreciation with the Inventory Aging Report.

Sample NetSuite Inventory Aging Report

Need an inventory aging report in netsuite?

How much of your inventory is x amount of days old? Is your inventory depreciating? Many companies need access to this data in order to run an efficient and profitable warehouse. But NetSuite doesn’t provide an out-of-the-box inventory aging report.

So we created our own.

An Inventory Aging Solution

Our Inventory Aging Report allows you to view the age of your inventory in an attractive, prebuilt report. The report allows you to filter by the As Of date, the item, the location, and the subsidiary. In the results of the report, you’ll see the quantity and amount for each item in each of your designated “buckets” of time.

The Inventory Aging Report can be installed quickly to your NetSuite instance because it is prebuilt, but you still have the flexibility to choose the exact time buckets you need to see.

Inventory Aging Report Features

Filter by As Of Date, Item, Location, and Subsidiary

SuiteRep Inventory Aging Report Example

Download or email results

View total quantity and total amount for each item

View age of items in customizable monthly buckets

Sort columns

Need more information? Check out our Inventory Aging Report FAQs.

What exactly does the Inventory Aging report show?

The Inventory Aging Report allows you to filter As Of date, Item, Location, and Subsidiary. In the item list, you’ll see the following data: (1) Location; (2) Item; (3) Class; (4) Total Quantity; (5) Total Amount; and both the quantity and amount for each item in each of your designated “buckets” of time. For example, you’ll see the quantity and amount of an item that is under 30 days old, 31-60 days old, 61-90 days old, etc. The columns in the report are customizable.

How does the Inventory Aging Report relate to the Inventory Valuation report?

Often the totals are close between the two reports, but they can be different for a variety of reasons. One of the key differences is that the Inventory Aging Report uses date buckets.

What does the report look like?

The report looks like a standard NetSuite report.

How does Inventory Transfer affect age in the IAR?

The SuiteRep Inventory Aging Report solution is built to show how long items have been sitting in a particular location. When you perform an inventory transfer, the inventory age resets for the quantity transferred. The report does not show when inventory was acquired, but rather when inventory was last moved.

Will a Bin Transfer affect the inventory age?

No, unlike an Inventory Transfer, a Bin Transfer does not affect the inventory age.

Can I download or email the results of the report?

Yes, absolutely! The report has both of these capabilities built in. Please note, however, that the larger the dataset (mostly items and transactions), the longer the report takes to run. If the report takes too long to run, the connection will time out, and the browser will never receive the download. There are two workarounds to this. The first is to use the email feature instead. This completely bypasses the limitation with the browser connection. Alternatively, you may be able to use filters to report on only a subset of the data rather than all items. For example, if you have 20 locations and it fails when running against all of them, try running against a single location if that’s all you need.

How does the IAR handle negative inventories?

Negative inventories can be valid in NS. The totals balance in the IAR will still show negatives, but the negatives will not be reflected in the buckets. If you have inventory with a negative balance in NetSuite, the buckets for that item will add up to zero rather than a negative number. If you’re struggling with negative balances, check out the 10 tips available here.

Can lot or serial numbers be reported on?

They can be included, but they are not calculated on a per-lot or per-serial basis. They’ll be rolled-up to the item level and treated as FIFO, so ages may be incorrect. In some cases, they may be incidentally correct, but that depends on how lots are handled, so there’s no guarantee.

Does the IAR have drilldown capabilities?

No, it does not.

How involved will I be?

We’ll be working closely with you throughout the short process. On our first call with you, you’ll get a demo of the Inventory Aging Report. If you like what you see, we’ll send over our solution agreement for you to sign. You’ll need to give us access to your NetSuite account, and we’ll actually implement the report live on another call.

Who will I be working with?

The actual report implementation will be done by one of our experienced, in-house NetSuite developers in the US.

Can I request superficial changes to the report?

Absolutely! Minor tweaks (renaming columns, moving columns, or customizing the date buckets) are things we can do while on the implementation call with you without affecting the solution cost.

Can I request major changes to the report?

Sure! However, more substantive changes to the report will result in additional charges. Just let us know what exactly you need the report to do when we’re on the demo call, and we can give you an idea for the timeline and pricing of getting those changes.

Do you offer post-implementation support on the report?

The solution package includes free, unlimited post-implementation support if any of the original, core report functionality breaks. Just shoot us a message or hop on a call with us to let us know what you need!

Do you have more inventory management reports like this one?

If you’re interested in our Inventory Aging Report, you may want to check out our Dead Stock Report as well. This is another type of report that is immensely useful in the distribution world that NetSuite doesn’t offer natively.

Here are the steps to getting the Inventory Aging Report.

Book a call with us.

On the call, we’ll do a demo of the report.

Sign our solution agreement and give us access to your account.

We’ll do a live implementation on another call. 


Version 0.9

Release Date: March 2, 2022
  • First working revision
  • Statically coded date ranges: 0-30-60-90-150-180-270-360-720
  • Supports viewing and downloading report

Version 1.0

Release Date: May 14, 2022
  • Dynamic date ranges
  • Dynamic columns using search template
  • New filters added
  • Added paging
  • Many bug fixes and minor improvements
  • Added email functionality

Version 1.0.1

Release Date: May 24, 2022
  • Some bug fixes

Version 2.0

Release Date: November 9, 2022
  • Reworked download functionality to fix discrepancy when user does not have access to all subsidiaries.

Version 2.0.1

Release Date: December 13, 2022
  • Bug fix for clients that do have multicurrency enabled but not multi-subsidiaries.

Version 2.1

Release Date: January 16, 2023
  • Fixed Previous/Next buttons
  • Updated in-code documentation
  • Updated dependencies
    • Updated jQuery UI to 1.13.2 to patch XSS vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-41184, CVE-2021-41183, CVE-2021-41182)
    • Updated PapaParse to 5.3.2 to patch CWE-185 vulnerability

Version 2.1.1

Release Date: March 7, 2023
  • Fixed Pages select box
  • Fetch columns as text rather than value. This enables proper display of List/Record fields of the Item records.

Version 2.2.0

Release Date: June 26, 2023
  • Added ability to exclude the 0-X bucket

Ready to implement the Inventory Aging Report in your account?