Suitelet scripts enable you to create your own custom NetSuite page or form. Although I would definitely categorize Suitelet scripts as more advanced than some of the other scripts, I thought I would provide you with an understanding of how you can use them. I have used Suitelet scripts a good bit, and they can be very helpful depending on the need.
Benefits of Suitelet Scripts
One of the most noticeable differences with a Suitelet script when compared to the other types of NetSuite scripts is that it is more visually oriented. Other scripts can place buttons and fields on existing records, but the Suitelet scripts can create a whole standalone NetSuite page that looks and feels like a native NetSuite page.
Suitelet Script Facts
- Suitelet Scripts run when a user accesses the script link in the browser. Common ways to set up a Suitelet page to open are to put a button on a record that leads to that page or to add it to the native NetSuite navigation.
- You could also add a submit button to a Suitelet Script that can perform actions with the fields contained on the Suitelet page.
Suitelet Uses
- Starting point for process automation: Sometimes automation happens when a particular record meets certain criteria. But often it is helpful to manually start a process with the ability to specify some options.
- Quick input form: This is a way to quickly create certain records or update information on certain records. Creating an input form can also be very helpful to enable Vendors or Customers to update information on some records without actually giving them access to the whole record, and you can make it available to them through the Vendor Center or the Customer Center.
- PDF Creator/Viewer: On several occasions I have worked with clients who needed to create PDFs that went beyond the capabilities of the native Advanced PDF functionality. One particular example of this was with a manufacturing company who needed a Terms document appended to the end of the Work Order PDF. On top of that, they needed all of the item drawing files associated with that Work Order to be separate pages in that PDF. An advanced PDF was not going to come close to pulling that off, but a Suitelet was able to get them exactly what they needed.
While these may be some of the more common uses for Suitelet Scripts, this list is by no means exhaustive. If you have a particular situation in mind in which you are wondering if a Suitelet would be a good fit, please feel free to drop a comment asking about that.
For more scripting overviews, check out our blog covering some of the major script types. After learning about these various script types, you will be ready to jump into our mini tutorial series on the basics of coding in SuiteScript 2.0. If this blog has been helpful, don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list so you can receive our latest developing blogs directly in your inbox each week!