Overview of NetSuite Advanced Shipping
How to Set Up NetSuite Advanced Shipping
Enable the Feature
Set Preferences
Set Permissions
NetSuite Advanced Shipping Processes
Fulfilling a Single Order
On the Fulfill Orders page, you would use the top menu section to filter the list of orders that are shown by customer, transaction type, committed items, etc. Once you’ve narrowed down the list of results, you’ll select the Fulfill link under the Process column next to the exact order you wish to fulfill. This will bring you to the individual Item Fulfillment record for that order.
On the Item Fulfillment record, navigate to the Items tab and make sure the Fulfill checkbox is selected next to the items you are fulfilling. You can deselect any items that you are not prepared to fulfill and only fulfill some of the items on the order. You can also adjust the quantity of each item that you are fulfilling, allowing you to do a partial item fulfillment.