Overview of Advanced Billing
Setting Up Advanced Billing
Enable Features and Preferences
Create Billing Schedules
Another way you can create a billing schedule is directly from an estimate or sales order. To do that, navigate to Transactions > Sales > Prepare Estimates or Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders. On the transaction record, whether an Estimate or Sales Order, navigate down to the Billing subtab and hover over the space to the right of the Billing Schedule dropdown field to make the “New” button icon appear. This will launch the Billing Schedule window.
Set Up the Billing Schedule
Initial Amount
Initial Payment Terms
Recurrence Frequency
Repeat Every
Recurrence Count
In Arrears
Recurrence Payment Terms
Using Billing Schedules
Then, scroll down to the Orders tab. Here, you can select all the orders that you wish for NetSuite to invoice. Any bills that are coming due based on any billing schedules that you have applied to sales orders will appear on this list. To prompt NetSuite to generate these invoices, select the Invoice checkbox next to the appropriate orders and then hit the Submit button on the page.
If this is a feature you would like to begin using in your account or if you have any other NetSuite needs, SuiteRep would love to come on board and help. Our diverse NetSuite experience enables us to provide NetSuite solutions tailored to your unique needs. Contact us to get the conversation started.