NetSuite Pick, Pack, and Ship Overview
What it is
How to set it up
You’ll want to set a couple preferences before you begin using Pick, Pack, and Ship. Navigate to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Shipping to set these preferences.
NetSuite Pick, Pack, and Ship Process
Picking an Order in NetSuite
But for this article, we’ll assume you want to mark your orders as Picked first. A warehouse employee would either use this page or the individual sales order to start the fulfillment process. From the Fulfill Orders page, select the Fulfill checkbox next to the appropriate order and then hit the Submit button.
This will pull up the Item Fulfillment – To Be Generated page. If you’re going to partially fulfill the order, you can adjust the quantities you’re fulfilling using the Items tab on this page. Otherwise, save the record.
At this point, NetSuite generates an Item Fulfillment record that has the status of Picked and a Mark Packed button which allows you to move the order to the next step in the fulfillment process.
If you go to the individual order, however, it will not display the Picked status. From the sales order point of view, the order is just in the fulfillment stage, so the order will have the status of Pending Fulfillment.
Packing an Order in NetSuite
Then, select the checkbox in the Pack column next to the order that you wish to mark as packed and hit the Submit button. You will be taken to a Process Status page while NetSuite processes the job.
When the process is complete, the Item Fulfillment record for any orders you processed will show a status of Packed and display the Mark Shipped button.
Shipping an Order in NetSuite
After the job processes, the Item Fulfillment record will display the status of Shipped.