NetSuite Multiple Prices

NetSuite for Administrators

The NetSuite Multiple Prices feature allows you to set different prices for individual items and services. Let’s take a look at the Multiple Prices feature, including what it is, how to set it up, and how to use it in NetSuite.

NetSuite Multiple Prices Overview

What are some of the use-cases for multiple prices? Some companies may sell items both retail and wholesale. Using the NetSuite Multiple Prices feature, it would be simple to set up a wholesale price and a retail price for each of your items. Other companies may want to set up a custom price for specific customers. These are just a couple of the situations in which the Multiple Prices feature would be necessary.

How to Set Up NetSuite Multiple Prices

Let’s take a look at how you would set up the NetSuite Multiple Prices feature.

Enable the Feature

First, you will need to enable the Multiple Prices feature. You can find this feature in the Sales section of the Transactions tab in Enable Features.

Create Price Levels

Your next step is to create the different price levels that you will use. NetSuite allows you to set as many as 1,000 different pricing levels, though most companies would not find that many levels useful or necessary. To create a new price level record, navigate to Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists > New. On the Accounting Lists page, select Price Level from the list.
Price Level in NetSuite Accounting Lists

To create a new price level, you’ll need to name the level. You can also select a markup or discount percentage. The percentage will be applied to whatever price is listed as the base price on an item or service record. If you’re editing an already-existing price level record, you can select the checkbox Update Existing Prices to automatically update the markup or discount of any items that are using this price level. You can also use the checkbox Online Price Level to designate the price that would be used in your online store.

Create New NetSuite Price Level Record

Set Price Levels for Items

Your next step will be to connect your price levels with your item records. To do that, navigate to the list of items (Lists > Accounting > Items) and select Edit next to one of your item records. On this item record, open the Sales/Pricing subtab. You’ll see a list of all your active price levels. The first price listed is the base price, and any following price levels that have an associated percentage will auto-populate off of the base price. Price levels that do not have an associated percentage will remain blank until you fill in your desired amount.
NetSuite Item Record Price Levels

Set Price Levels for Customers

You can also set price levels for specific customers that purchase items within a pricing group. A pricing group is just a group of items that you associate together to assist with purchasing and selling. To define a price level for a customer, open any customer record in Edit mode and scroll down to the Financial subtab. Then, select the Group Pricing subtab. Here, you can associate this customer with a specific pricing group and price level.
Add NetSuite Price Level on Customer Record

Using Price Levels on Transactions

On a transaction, you would associate a price level with each individual line item. For example, on a sales order you would scroll down to the Items subtab, select a specific item, and then use the dropdown in the Price Level column for that item to choose which price level will apply on this sales order.
Select Price Level on NetSuite Sales Order
And of course, if you are creating a sales order for a customer that has a price level listed for items in a pricing group, then if you add items that belong to that pricing group the related price level will apply.


With the NetSuite Multiple Prices feature, you can easily manage and track different prices for all your items and customers. If you enjoyed this blog, be sure to subscribe to our mailing list below to receive each week’s latest NetSuite blog post directly in your inbox.