What is Dunning? (And Why Does It Matter?)
Installing the Dunning Letters SuiteApp
Enable Necessary Features
- Enable Features > SuiteCloud Subtab: Custom Records, Advanced PDF/HTML Templates, Client SuiteScript, Server SuiteScript, SuiteFlow
- Enable Features > Company Subtab: Multiple Currencies, Multi-Language
Install the SuiteApp
Dunning Letters SuiteApp Overview
Dunning Roles
Dunning Templates
Dunning Records
Dunning Fields and Subtabs
Dunning Scripts
Dunning Searches
Dunning Workflows
Types of Dunning
Invoice-Level Dunning in NetSuite
Customer-Level Dunning in NetSuite
How to Set Up Dunning
Schedule the Dunning Evaluation Workflow
- Release Status: Testing
- Initiation: Scheduled
- Repeat: Check
- Frequency: Daily
- Execution Time: This can be set to whatever time you prefer, ideally outside of working hours.
- Daily Schedule: Repeat every (1) days.
Create Dunning Level Rules
On this page, you’ll name the dunning level rule and select how many days overdue that rule represents. Generally, it’s best if the name reflects how many days overdue the rule is. For example, you might name the rule “7 Days Overdue.” Then, you would insert a 7 into the Days Overdue field.
You can also set up levels that act as reminders by using a negative number in the Days Overdue field. For example, if you want your customers to receive a reminder that they have an invoice coming due in a week, you might name the rule “7 Day Reminder” and insert a -7 into the Days Overdue field.
Create the Dunning Email Templates
You will need to copy the HTML from these templates and paste it into an email template (Documents > Templates > Email Templates > New). Getting the template right is likely to be where you spend the most time with setting up dunning. The HTML from the templates may not be what you need or want, so you will need to do some customization.
Set Up the Dunning Templates
On this page, you will name the template. Technically, you do not need to have a dunning template set up for every dunning level, but in my experience doing it that way simplifies things. So if I have seven dunning levels (say, 7 Days Overdue, 14 Days Overdue, 30 Days Overdue, 45 Days Overdue, 60 Days Overdue, 90 Days Overdue, and 120 Days Overdue), then I would make a dunning template that corresponds to each level. Remember that these dunning templates are not your dunning email templates, though you will attach your dunning email templates here. So, if you want to use the same wording for all of your dunning emails, you can still have one dunning email template. You would just need to attach the same email template to all seven of your dunning templates. (It’s confusing, I know.)
Create Your Dunning Procedure
On this page, name the procedure something like Primary Dunning Procedure. In the Applies To dropdown, select Customer. For the Sending Schedule, select Automatic. The Minimum Dunning Interval field allows you to set a boundary for how frequently your customers receive dunning emails from you. For example, if the interval is set to 1, then one full day must pass between dunning emails to a single customer. This field is more relevant in invoice-level dunning, however, than customer-level dunning.
Then, in the Selection Criteria field group, select the subsidiaries, departments, or locations that you want this procedure to apply to. Any customers who are connected to the classifications you select here will be eligible to receive this dunning procedure. You will also have the option of using a saved search as the selection criteria, but typically you will only want to select specific subsidiaries.
The checkbox Assign Automatically to New Records allows you to ensure that, once you have set up all your existing customers with this dunning procedure, new customers will automatically be assigned to this procedure. This is just one of the ways that you can fully automate the dunning process and let it run in the background without needing much upkeep.
Then, under the Levels subtab, you’ll attach each dunning level rule to its corresponding dunning template. And for clarity, you’ll want to do this in order, starting with the first (lowest) dunning level. Then, save the record. (And as a side note, don’t worry too much about the dropdown Determine Dunning Level By field; this field is required, so you will need to make a selection. But unless you plan to add a lot of complexity to your dunning procedure, just keep the Minimum Transaction Amount and Total Overdue Balance numbers low and choose either of the two dropdown options.)