NetSuite provides a handful of certifications for the different aspects of their software. These include both administrator and user certifications (see their complete list here). The most basic certification, however, is the SuiteFoundation certification. Let’s take a quick look at this certification—what it is, what you need to know to prepare for it, and how SuiteRep can support you in the process.
Why is this certification important?
What do you know about the NetSuite SuiteFoundation certification? In the NetSuite world, the SuiteFoundation certification is the most basic way that an individual can demonstrate proficiency in using NetSuite. Having this certification authenticates your grasp of NetSuite, opening up career opportunities that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Whether you are a NetSuite administrator, developer, or consultant (or some combination of all three!), if you have not yet taken the SuiteFoundation exam, then preparing for it is your next step in advancing your career with NetSuite.
What do you need to study?
So, how best to study for the SuiteFoundation certification? NetSuite has provided the following key resources for those planning to take this exam.
The Study Guide
First, NetSuite provides updated study guides for this exam. You can access the most recent one here. This guide details the essential qualifications of someone who pursues this certification, an overview of the subject areas the exam covers, and study suggestions for each of these specific areas.
The Sample Test
In addition to the study guide, NetSuite also provides access to a sample test, which you can find here. This test helps you understand how the material will be tested while also giving you a gauge for the difficulty level of the various questions. Though the questions on this test will not be on the actual SuiteFoundation exam, taking this test can help you pinpoint any gaps in your knowledge of NetSuite.
Recommended Training Courses
Finally, NetSuite has put together six recommended training courses that cover the areas you need to be proficient in for the exam. While the study guide and sample test are freely available, however, you (or your company) would need to purchase these training courses through Oracle. You can find the list of these recommended courses on the study guide.
How can we help?
Here at SuiteRep, we’ve been in your shoes. We understand the stress of trying to prepare for the SuiteFoundation exam. We also understand the difficulty of finding detailed and memorable review materials. Consequently, we want to come alongside the NetSuite community and provide a series of detailed blogs that expand on the content in the SuiteFoundation study guide to assist you as you prepare for this certification. While this series is not meant to take the place of NetSuite’s recommended training courses, our hope is that it will simply be an extra resource to supplement your studying.
In addition to a weekly blog post, we will also be publishing a series of short videos on our YouTube channel each week that go along with the topic of each blog post. These videos will provide visual learners with a creative way to study for the exam. If you think these videos would be helpful for you, head on over to SuiteRep’s YouTube channel and subscribe!
Deciding to become SuiteFoundation certified is a big step! We are so excited to support you as you pursue this goal. If you would like to stay up-to-date on our latest blog posts on the SuiteFoundation material, don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list so that you never miss a post!