In this blog post, we would like to recommend some of our favorite SuiteScript tools and tips that help us daily as SuiteScript developers. All of these tools are free, easy to use, and immensely helpful!
Browser Extensions
Browser extensions can prove very helpful, since NetSuite is a web-based ERP. Unfortunately, Safari is a bit behind in the extension game, so most of these extensions will be exclusively for Chrome-based browsers at the time of writing this article. If you would like an alternative to Chrome with more privacy features, we highly recommend checking out Brave.
NetSuite: Search Export
This extension adds a button to a search in NetSuite. When clicked, a popup will appear with the search translated into SuiteScript. We find this especially helpful for locating search field IDs, since these sometimes don’t match the user interface. Just note that you must save a search and return to edit it before the button to export will appear.
View the NetSuite: Search Export extension.
NetSuite: Show Field IDs
This helpful extension will allow you to instantly locate a field on a NetSuite record. Simply type, CTRL + SHIFT + F
to locate the field by the internal ID. Use CTRL + SHIFT + L
to find a field by the label. This will even work across different tabs and sub-tabs, unlike the browser search! It can also show field internal IDs when you hover over a field. Another tip is that you can SHIFT + click
on a field name to copy the internal ID to your clipboard.
View the NetSuite: Show Field IDs extension.
NetSuite Record JSON Viewer
Clicking this extension will open up a new tab and display the record you’re viewing in an interactive JSON format. This can be helpful when you’re trying to find exactly what a field’s internal ID is called.
View the NetSuite Record JSON Viewer extension.
NetSuite: HTML Script Notes
This is a fantastic one, and a new one to me. It will replace your normal JSON results in your script execution logs with a prettified version.
View the NetSuite: HTML Script Notes extension.
VS Code Extensions
As mentioned in some of our previous blog posts, our team now uses Visual Studio Code for all our SuiteScript development. One of the benefits of VS Code is the ability to add extensions that can be used while you write code.
This is an extension that we came across several months ago. It displays auto-complete options for SuiteScript methods, and can be very helpful. Just begin typing something SuiteScripty, and a popup should appear to populate the method template into your code. From there, you can press tab and replace each option with the correct value. This can save you from needing to check the help documentation so often for the exact wording of a method.
View SuiteSnippets here.
Code Spell Checker
This is one I’ve been using recently. It instantly shows you any misspellings you might have as you type.
View Code Spell Checker here.
GitLensd is the quintessential extension for all things Git. One of my favorite tools is seeing who last edited a line in a code file. But that’s just scratching the surface!
View GitLens here.
Save Typing
This is one I’ve been using for a long time. It instantly saves your file as soon as you edit it. No more forgetting to save files!
View Save Typing here.
URL Pro Tip
All these extensions can be immensely helpful. But did you know about this URL tip in NetSuite?
Whenever you are viewing a record in NetSuite, simply add, “&xml=t” within the url. This will load the page as an XML file (i.e., the source file for NetSuite’s record data). This page can be extremely helpful when trying to pinpoint a specific field or value. This is especially helpful for sublist fields, I have found!
E=T / E=F
Similar to the previous possibility, you can also add “&e=t” to a record to enter into edit mode. To leave edit mode and return to view mode, you can either delete “&e=t” or change it to “e=f.”
We hope you find these tools helpful! If you have any other SuiteScript tools and tips that you enjoy, comment down below and let us know. And don’t forget to subscribe to our SuiteScript developer email list to stay up to date on the latest NetSuite development tips!