Scheduling Reports

NetSuite for Administrators

Reports are an important and helpful part of NetSuite. They give us detailed information about aspects of our companies—crucial information which helps keep such complicated businesses afloat. Another avenue of productivity in our lives is email. In NetSuite, it is possible to connect these two spheres to increase productivity. This NetSuite tip will show how to become a pro at scheduling and managing scheduled reports.

How to Schedule a Report


1. Navigate to a Report

Our first step is to navigate to a report. There are three options here. You can navigate to a recent report, a previously saved report, or simply create a new report if so desired.

2. Find the Schedule Button

On the bottom right of the Report page, there are a number of buttons. The scheduling button is the one on the very right of the bottom. Click here to start scheduling!

3. Select your Start Time and Scheduling

First, we must choose when our scheduled report will crunch the data. It may be a good idea to enter a time outside your business’s peak load for the best efficiency. The scheduling page will show “Peak Hours” as a caution when you choose your timing within peak hours.

Second, if you would like this report to come to your email on a regular basis, check off the Run Report More Than Once checkbox. After doing so, you will see a number of intuitive adjustments to specify the best time for it to be delivered.

4. Adjust your Email Settings

Below this, we can select who will be emailed this report. We can also copy the email to others. In the MESSAGE tab, it is also possible to write a custom message that will be included in the new email. Perhaps this could be a reminder of things to check on or a simple description of what the report is for.

How to View and Edit Your Scheduled Reports


Navigate to the “Report Schedules” Page

We can view our previously scheduled reports by navigating to the “REPORT SCHEDULES” page (REPORTS >> SCHEDULED REPORTS >> REPORT SCHEDULES). Did you forget to make a scheduled report return to your email regularly? You can come here to modify that. Do you need to change the time of the report, the recipients, or the included message? You can do that here as well.


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