SuiteScript 2.0 Creating Pop-ups: The Dialog Module

NetSuite for Developers

Creating pop-ups can be super helpful when users implement them correctly. Our previous blog will help give you some ideas for your own use cases. Today we will walk you through creating pop-ups of your own. Having covered some of the foundational script types in SuiteScripting, we want to delve into some of the unique possibilities these components give us. The message module allows us to show a message to the user in an unobtrusive way. Sometimes, however, we need the user’s undivided attention to address a particular concern. This is where the N/ui/dialog module can come in handy.

Creating a Basic Pop-up: dialog.alert

In a Client Script deployed to a certain record (e.g., Sales Order, Inventory Item, Customer Record), we want an entry point that will trigger our new pop-up. For instance, we could choose to activate our pop-up as soon as the page loads (pageInit). Also, don’t forget to define the ‘N/ui/dialog’ module at the top of your script! Here’s our basic structure:

//Add additional code 
function pageInit(context) { 
 var currentRecord = context.currentRecord; 

 function success(result) { console.log('Success with value: ' + result) } 
 function failure(reason) { console.log('Failure: ' + reason) } 

  title: 'Hello World!', 
  message: 'Click OK to continue.' 
//Add additional code

These custom pop-ups of course can appear at more helpful times in your Client Script. For example, before saving a record (saveRecord() function), an automation could occur to validate the data entered. If the data does not meet a certain criteria, a pop-up could notify the user. The dialog module does have certain complications when attempting to prevent a record from saving, however. Be sure to read our final paragraph where we provide a solution to a known complex issue.

Other Pop-up Possibilities

There are two other variants of the dialog module: dialog.confirm and dialog.create.

Dialog.confirm simply provides a ‘cancel’ button alongside the ‘ok’ button. This allows the user to either proceed with or cancel their action. If ‘ok’ is clicked by the user, result in the success() function will have a value of true. If ‘cancel’ is selected, result will have a value of false. Result can then be manipulated to perform certain functions. For example:

function success(result) { 
    if (result == true) {
        console.log("OK has been selected");
        //More code here
    } else if (result == false) {
        console.log("CANCEL has been selected");
        //More code here

Dialog.create is the most flexible of the three types. It allows us to specify how many buttons we have, what they will be called, and what they will return when they are clicked. For example:

var options = {
    title: 'Which OS will you choose?',
    message: 'Click a button to continue.',
    buttons: [
        { label: 'MacOS', value: 1 },
        { label: 'Windows', value: 2 },
        { label: 'Linux', value: 3 }

function success(result) { 
    if (result == 1) {
        console.log("Thank you. You may proceed.");
    } else if (result == 2) {
        console.log("This is not acceptable.");
    } else {
        console.log("Please try again.");
function failure(reason) { console.log('Failure: ' + reason) }


Other Pop-up Personalities

Tasting the freedom that dialog.create can provide, we can actually take the dialog module a step further. The dialog module can actually support custom HTML and CSS. Although this customization is not always necessary, it can provide a helpful way to prioritize or organize information. We put our custom HTML/CSS in the message key of the options object.

var options = {
    title: 'CHOOSE YOUR SIDE:',
    message: '<div style="color:green;"><b>Which OS will you choose?</b></div><br><br> \\
    <div style="color:red; background-color:black; padding:10px; border-radius:10px;"><b>• MacOS<br>• Windows<br>• Linux</b></div>',
    buttons: [
        { label: 'MacOS', value: 1 },
        { label: 'Windows', value: 2 },
        { label: 'Linux', value: 3 }

Potential Roadblocks

As mentioned previously, there is a common problem when trying to use a dialog.confirm or dialog.create in a saveRecord() function. In a saveRecord() function, returning true will cause the record to save, while returning false will prevent the record from saving. The issue lies in the nature of the dialog module. Its greatest strength is also its Achilles’ heel. The call, dialog.create() returns what is called a Promise, which is an asynchronous assignment. This means that if you were to assign a variable to it (e.g., var choice = dialog.create(options)...), the variable (“choice”) would be assigned to the Promise skeleton. It never receives the value of the user’s selection. Therefore, there is no way to cause a record to save from a button on a pop-up, at least not officially. There are two possible work-arounds, however.

First, sometimes you don’t technically need to save the record. For example, in a Suitelet, we can work around this problem by manipulating the page in other ways. We could for instance reload the page, pass certain parameters into the URL, and check whether there are URL parameters at the beginning of the Suitelet. Thinking outside the box is key to making this work.

Another (unoffical) option is to manually make the record save. This essentially is telling NetSuite that you have clicked the UI button called “SAVE” on the record. We can do this by writing getNLMultiButtonByName('multibutton_submitter').onMainButtonClick(this); return false;. Be sure to include the return false; statement, as it is also necessary.

function success(result) {
    console.log(result + ' has been clicked.')
    if (result == true) {
        return false;

When investigating the “SAVE” button through the browser inspector, we can see this native NetSuite function call.


We hope you have found this post on creating pop-ups helpful. For more SuiteScript tutorials, check out the related posts below and subscribe to our mailing list!