Custom NetSuite Dashboard
Creating a custom NetSuite dashboard that is visible for anyone in your company to see may seem like an extremely complex task. Today, our tip will show you how you can create a custom dashboard in a snap. Check out the steps below, or skip right to the video for a quick overview.
Create a Custom Center Tab
The Custom Center Tab is simply a tab that shows up in the main navigation bar in NetSuite (in line with the shortcuts icon).
- Navigate to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs > New.
- Fill out the required information:
- Label: the label you want to see in the Tab bar at the top
- ID: an internal id for easy identification in automations. Start this with an underscore.
- Center: Select the center you want this to display in. Admins use the Classic Center, your Accounting team will most likely be in the Accounting Center, and your Sales Team will be in the Sales Center.
- Select the Portlets to add to your Dashboard
- When customizing your personal dashboard, you’d do this with the “Personalize” button. When setting up a Custom Dashboard, you define each Portlet you want here. This also means your limit for the number of portlets (like KPI Meter or Custom Search) is removed.
- In the audience tab (not shown in the video), you can specify specific employees or Roles to deploy this tab to.
Set Up Your Portlets
- Ensure you are using a role in a Center you want to publish to.
- I.e., if you want to publish a dashboard in your Sales Center, you need to set up the dashboard in a Sales Center Role
- NetSuite recommends creating a publishing role that correlates with each center that is used only for modifying and publishing dashboards.
- Navigate to the Custom Center Tab you just created
- Set up each portlet as required
Publish Your Dashboard
- Navigate to your home dashboard
- Select “Publish Dashboard” from the Settings Portlet
- If this option isn’t available, make sure your role has permission to publish dashboards.
- Check permissions at Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
- Edit your role.
- In the Permissions > Setup tab, add the “Publish Dashboards” permission.
- If this option isn’t available, make sure your role has permission to publish dashboards.
- Fill out the name and ID as required.
- In the Apply to Roles tab, select the roles that should see this Dashboard
- In the Apply to Tabs tab, select the tab that you’d like to publish.
- This section provides granularity in which dashboards are published, so you don’t have to publish all dashboards with every Dashboard publish.
- Next to each tab, you may select the mode to publish in:
- Unlocked – Employees may add, remove, or edit portlets you’ve setup
- Locked – Employees may not modify this dashboard
- Add/Move content – Users may add or move content, but the portlets in the published dashboards may not be modified.
- Note that roles with the “Publish Dashboards” permission will always be able to edit a dashboard.
We hope learning about how to build your own custom NetSuite dashboard has been helpful; for more NetSuite tips, subscribe to our mailing list below!