Find Release Notes in NetSuite Help

NetSuite for Administrators

NetSuite 2020.2

Today’s tip goes along with NetSuite’s recent publication of Release Notes for NetSuite 2020.2. You may hear people talking about the Release Notes in NetSuite help and wonder how you can access them. Doing a quick google for NetSuite 2020.2 Release Notes isn’t going to turn anything up with the release just having been announced, but you can check out what NetSuite has in store by getting to their Release Notes draft. Just log in to your NetSuite instance and go to Help (to the right of the Global Search bar) > Release Notes. You will want to check out the PDF linked on the 2020.2 page, especially the section of the table of contents that pertains specifically to your role. Be sure to let us know in the comments what features or enhancements you are the most excited about.


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