Go to Record in Edit Mode

NetSuite for Administrators

A Simple Time-Saver

You may have noticed the recent records icon near the top left of your NetSuite screen or use the global search every single day, but if you’re like me, you may have missed the ability to skip directly to editing a record off to the right. I’ve sometimes wished NetSuite would run a little faster when I go to a record and then have to click edit and wait for it to load up. But did you know that you can go to a record in edit mode directly from the recent records? Clicking “Edit” right from the recent record or global search result can save you just a little time and help you harness the power of NetSuite.

Edit from Global Search

This allows you to jump from the Global Search straight into edit mode.

Edit from Recent Records

This allows you to jump from Recent Records straight into edit mode.


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